

Advice for Participant Success

CEA CAPA认为,参与者在海外学习的成功取决于参与者的学术水平, 情感, and logistical preparation. CEA CAPA提供各种资源和帮助,包括出发前的全面指导. 如果在任何时候你需要帮助,而在国外,现场工作人员可以提供支持. 您应该毫不犹豫地为自己或代表您的同行联系CEA CAPA.

住房 and Your Wellbeing

While you’ll spend a lot of 在国外的时间 exploring new cities, searching for the best cafes, and immersing yourself in local culture, 你可能希望通过你的CEA CAPA住房有一个家庭基地. As you start planning for your 在国外的时间, 重要的是要考虑到你在国外的生活环境可能与你习惯的生活环境有什么不同, and how that intersects with your wellbeing. 下面是一些问题提示,让你思考一下你在国外的生活环境: 

  • What is your current living situation? Do you live with your family, with roommates, on campus, or by yourself? How might your living situation abroad differ?
  • 你认为在国外居住有什么挑战和机遇? 你如何适应与人合租、与寄宿家庭住在一起或独自生活?
  • 想想你的健康和幸福需求是如何影响你的生活环境的, 比如过敏, dietary restrictions, or religious observations. 你是否通过你的家庭校园无障碍设施获得住房服务或住宿 办公室?

期待什么: 住房, Commute, and Community


国外的学生宿舍通常看起来与你在美国所习惯的不一样.S. 与大多数大学校园不同,CEA CAPA并不拥有或管理学生宿舍. We work within local 住房 networks to carefully identify 住房 partners, 供应商, and host families that can offer students an authentic living experience. 这意味着在许多地方,你有一个独特的机会像当地人一样生活! 住房 options may include:

  • 公寓
  • 家庭旅馆
  • 学生宿舍 & Residencias
  • 休息室 & 工作室
  • Extended Stay Hotels

Here are some things you can anticipate with CEA CAPA 住房:

  • Apartment sizes, layouts, and amenities will vary. An authentic living experience likely means downsizing. Like any major city, space is at a premium. 这意味着,卧室大小,生活空间,厨房,甚至洗衣机都可能比你小 用于.
  • 例如:许多校园住宿设施对每个房间类型都使用类似的布局. 每种类型(如上所列)都有自己独特的特征、布局和便利设施.
  • Whether you’re living in your own studio, staying with a 寄宿家庭, or sharing an apartment with your CEA CAPA peers, you’ll encounter new people on a regular basis throughout your 在国外的时间. 你的邻居, 寄宿家庭, or flat mates may have different lifestyles, 值, racial or ethnic backgrounds, 宗教习俗, or gender identities. Being part of the CEA CAPA community means embracing diversity and individuals of all backgrounds and identities.
  • 餐计划, 如果有, may offer less variety in options, or less flexibility to be adapted for specific dietary needs.
  • 例:在美国.S., certain dietary needs have become commonplace, leading to alternative food options being readily available. This may not be the case abroad. 如果你有特殊的需求,在确定你的住房偏好时考虑这些 如果你对你的需求能否在你喜欢的住房中得到满足有疑问,请联系你的CEA CAPA顾问.
  • 记住在你的健康信息表和/或住房申请中分享任何与健康有关的饮食需求.
Climate and Weather
  • 生活在国外可能意味着生活在不同的气候中,并经历不同的社会规范来应对这种气候.
  • Example: Some CEA CAPA destinations are prone to periods of high humidity. 然而,空调并不常见,因为一年中的大部分月份都比较凉爽. 虽然公共场所可能有空调,但你不应该期望在你的程序中有空调 住房.
Commute and Community
  • CEA CAPA insists that all individuals are treated with courtesy, 尊重, and dignity and does not discriminate against any individual.
  • Your 住房 is an important part of your experience studying abroad, 我们鼓励你接受这些差异,把它作为一个独特的机会,像当地人一样生活! 当然,您还可以通过CEA CAPA现场团队获得支持 should you have any 住房 concerns during your 在国外的时间.
  • Commuting to classes or your 在国外宝博体育 may take up to 60 minutes, and at the majority of CEA CAPA destinations, it isn't uncommon to rely on public transportation or pedestrian commuter 路线.

有关您的课程地点提供的住房选择的更多具体信息, check out your program’s webpage, 在线门户网站, or contact your advisor. If you'd like to know more about what to expect in your program 住房, or if you have specific requests or accommodations that you'd like considered, 请尽早联系您的CEA CAPA顾问,以便我们与您讨论这个问题. While we can never guarantee 住房 preferences or accommodation requests, 我们越早知道你需要什么,我们就能提供更多的支持和指导.

Community Guidelines and Participant 政策

It is the responsibility of each participant to review the CEA CAPA Participant 政策 and Community Guidelines for the most current information as policies are subject to change. 要参加CEA CAPA项目,您必须同意遵守CEA CAPA政策.

Accommodation Requests

  • 参与者可以在出发前要求特定的住宿生活条件. You will be provided with a form, 要求, 您需要填写并提交哪些文件来支持请求. CEA CAPA is committed to investigating reasonable accommodations in a program location; however, 我们不能保证提供住宿或以与校园相同的方式见面.
  • 联系你的CEA CAPA顾问,讨论你在家乡校园的住宿和/或与学生事务团队的成员联系.


  • 参与者对自己的饮食需求负责,并强烈鼓励他们分享这些需求, and any allergies, with CEA CAPA on the 健康 Information Form and/or 住房 application.
  • 联系你的CEA CAPA顾问,讨论你在母校收到的住宿和/或与健康中心的成员联系, 安全 and Student Affairs Team.

Cultural Adaptation and Engagement

  • CEA CAPA在出发前提供有用的信息,并在抵达后提供全面的指导. At orientations participants will meet CEA CAPA onsite staff, other program participants, and receive important information on the host culture.
  • 在你的“家外之家”中融入当地文化是生活在一个新文化中最令人愉快但有时也是最具挑战性的方面之一. CEA CAPA提供各种各样的活动和事件,可以帮助你与主办城市和文化建立联系. Whether attending a ballet performance in 罗马 or 志愿服务 at an organic farm in 圣荷西,有 something for all interests.
  • 从持续项目期间的志愿者安置到一次性的机会, 有很多方法可以让你参与到你热爱的事业中,或者帮助有需要的人.
Cultural Engagement Activities
  • 烹饪培训班, 足球比赛的, 博物馆的展品, 徒步旅行只是帮助参与者参与和吸收新城市文化的一些可能的经历.
  • From daytrips to nearby destinations like castles, 酒庄, 咖啡农场, 古色古香的小镇, to overnight trips to more distant locations, 参与者可以选择参加由CEA CAPA工作人员计划的短途旅行,以更全面地了解当地文化和项目目的地.