CEA CAPA认为,参与者在海外学习的成功取决于参与者的学术水平, 情感, and logistical preparation. CEA CAPA提供各种资源和帮助,包括出发前的全面指导. 如果在任何时候你需要帮助,而在国外,现场工作人员可以提供支持. 您应该毫不犹豫地为自己或代表您的同行联系CEA CAPA.
While you’ll spend a lot of 在国外的时间 exploring new cities, searching for the best cafes, and immersing yourself in local culture, 你可能希望通过你的CEA CAPA住房有一个家庭基地. As you start planning for your 在国外的时间, 重要的是要考虑到你在国外的生活环境可能与你习惯的生活环境有什么不同, and how that intersects with your wellbeing. 下面是一些问题提示,让你思考一下你在国外的生活环境:
国外的学生宿舍通常看起来与你在美国所习惯的不一样.S. 与大多数大学校园不同,CEA CAPA并不拥有或管理学生宿舍. We work within local 住房 networks to carefully identify 住房 partners, 供应商, and host families that can offer students an authentic living experience. 这意味着在许多地方,你有一个独特的机会像当地人一样生活! 住房 options may include:
Here are some things you can anticipate with CEA CAPA 住房:
有关您的课程地点提供的住房选择的更多具体信息, check out your program’s webpage, 在线门户网站, or contact your advisor. If you'd like to know more about what to expect in your program 住房, or if you have specific requests or accommodations that you'd like considered, 请尽早联系您的CEA CAPA顾问,以便我们与您讨论这个问题. While we can never guarantee 住房 preferences or accommodation requests, 我们越早知道你需要什么,我们就能提供更多的支持和指导.
It is the responsibility of each participant to review the CEA CAPA Participant 政策 and Community Guidelines for the most current information as policies are subject to change. 要参加CEA CAPA项目,您必须同意遵守CEA CAPA政策.